In times of "exit restrictions" and "quarantines", we would like to support you with little everyday tips to continue going through the day with a smile and good energy.
From one day to the next, without the familiar structures and daily routines, we have to rely on ourselves and our everyday family life.
Here are a few tips which are a power booster for body, mind and skin. A regular morning routine gives you strength and stability. Allow yourself some time for yourself in the morning.
Because in times of Covid-19, we are convinced that we should now attach particular importance to #selfcare.
Here is our tip
Health-maintaining morning routine based on the model of Ayurveda - These routines also have a noticeably lasting positive effect on the skin.
1. Drink warm water
When you get up, drink two to three glasses of lukewarm water. This boosts your metabolism and acts like an "inner shower" in which the digestive tract is flushed through with warm water. Water-soluble waste products that have formed overnight can be rinsed out in this way.
2. Oil pulling
Oil pulling has a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect on the entire organism. It is considered an effective Ayurvedic healing method. Simply put 1 tablespoon of sesame oil or coconut oil in your mouth and move it back and forth for a few minutes with chewing movements. Then it is best to spit the oil into a cloth so that the toxins do not end up in the drain.
3. Brush your teeth
After oil pulling, it is important to clean your teeth thoroughly. Use a natural toothpaste and a soft toothbrush to protect the gums.
4. Yoga Exercises - Physical Activity
To activate body and mind, the morning is ideal for a few yoga exercises. These strengthen our body and also help you to take more stability and confidence with you into the day.
The sun salutation is suitable in the morning. If you are not a yogi, take a lap around the block - this also gets your body going and lets you master the day with better concentration.
5. Shower and clean your face
After the physical exertion, you can take a shower as usual. We are introducing our new product for daily facial cleansing.
The handmade natural soap consists of few but very valuable ingredients. Organic coconut oil, organic olive oil and an addition of tocotrienol vitamin E.
This facial cleansing pampers your skin with the highest quality ingredients and nourishes it directly during use. For a radiantly beautiful and pure skin, we have developed a composition that is as pure and pure as the skin should be.
The recipe is specially designed for cleansing the face and gently removes make-up residues, bacteria and dirt from your skin. The tocotrienols care for the skin while it is being cleaned and leave a protective layer against irritation and irritation.
In environmentally friendly paper packaging and equipped with a loofah sponge for natural peeling.
We are still there for you online, our delivery times can be delayed a little more than the usual 2-3 working days. Feel free to contact us - we look forward to staying in touch with you.
Stay safe and sound.
Your TocoCare team,
Shiva & Tobias Safaie