Beginnen Sie damit, Ihre Haut gründlich mit einem milden Reiniger zu reinigen, um Schmutz, Öl und Make-up zu entfernen. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass das Haut-Öl gut in die Haut eindringen und seine Wirkung entfalten kann.
Nach der Reinigung trocknen Sie Ihre Haut sanft mit einem weichen...
Today Christine Neder, life coach and blogger, is in conversation with us and tells uswhy she is a big fan of TocoCare.
Christine reports on her travels, sustainability in everyday life, zero waste on her channelsand minimalism.
You can find Christine on the classic channels likeYouTube andInsta...
We at TocoCare are convinced of the healing power of nature. All of our products with a combination of the natural vitamin E complex contain no artificial ingredients and contain no preservatives
Behind the brand:TocoCare by JR Thesis Smith "While searching for a natural raw material with anti-inflammatory properties, TocoCare founder Shiva became aware of"Toco-trie-nol"- a higher form of vitamin E - through her partner Tobias ... and this discovery changed her life completely. Especially...